Category: Saints Coloring

Saint Barbara coloring page: December 4th

Saint Barbara lived in the 3rd century. In secret, she learned about the Catholic Faith and was baptized by a priest. When her father learned of her conversion, she was tortured and killed. She is one of the fourteen holy helpers and is a patron against fever and sudden death. Click the image below to print theRead more

Saint John Damascene coloring page: December 4th

Saint John was born in the 7th century (either in 675 or 676).  He served his life as a monk and a priest, defending many of the Church’s beliefs, including the veneration of images. He is now a Doctor of the Church and is the patron saint of theology students, pharmacists,  and icon painters.  HisRead more

Saint Francis Xavier coloring page: December 3rd

Saint Francis Xavier was born in a castle in Spain. Eventually, he was ordained a priest and spent his life traveling all over the world as a missionary. Throughout his life, he converted thousands to Christianity.  His feast day is December 3rd and he is the patron saint of Catholic missions. Click the image below toRead more

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