Category: Coloring

St. Simeon coloring page: February 18th

It is believed that Saint Simeon was a cousin of Jesus Christ. He was condemned to death after refusing to give up his faith. Tradition tells us he was 120 years old when he died. Click the image below to print the coloring page.Read more

St. Valentine coloring page: February 14th

Saint Valentine was a priest in Rome when Christians were persecuted. He was martyred on February 14th, which is now his feast day. Legend tells us that while in jail, he healed the jailer’s daughter, who was blind. He sent her a note that said, “From your Valentine.” Click on one of the images belowRead more

Saints Cyril and Methodius coloring page: February 14th

Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers from Greece. They were both priests and missionaries to the Slav people. Saints Cyril and Methodius invented the Slav alphabet that is still used today. They translated the Bible into that language, allowing many more people to learn about Christianity. Click the image below to print the coloring page.Read more

St. Timothy coloring page: January 26th

St. Timothy traveled with St. Paul on his missionary journeys. Paul wrote two letters to him, which we still have today in the Bible. He later became a bishop and died a martyr’s death. “I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience the way my forefathers did, as I constantly remember you in my prayersRead more

St. John Bosco coloring page: January 31st

St. John Bosco is known for many dreams he had, in which God’s will was revealed to him. It was because of his first dream that he began working with and helping poor, neglected boys. He spent his life teaching them how to live moral lives, often sharing his dreams with them. Throughout his life,Read more

St. Thomas Aquinas coloring page: January 28th

Despite his family’s wishes, St. Thomas entered the Dominican order and became a priest. He spent much of his life writing about the relationship between faith and reason. The Summa Theologiae is one of his greatest works. He is now a doctor of the Church. Click the image below to print the coloring page.Read more

St. Angela Merici coloring page: January 27th

Angela devoted herself to God from a very young age. After her sister’s sudden death at a young age, Angela joined the Third Order of St. Francis. She is famous for saying “no” to the pope. When Pope Clement VII asked her to take over a religious order of nurses, Angela refused. She did notRead more

Baptism of the Lord coloring page: January 9th

This feast day celebrates the baptism of the Lord by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Pope John Paul II began a tradition of baptizing babies in the Sistine Chapel on this day each year. Click the image below to print the coloring page.Read more

Saint Francis de Sales coloring page: January 24th

Saint Francis knew he had a calling to the priesthood for thirteen years before he told his family. He is said to have converted over 40,000 people to Catholicism during his life. He is known for his book on spiritual direction called Introduction to the Devout Life , which we still have today. He isRead more

Saint Agnes coloring page: January 21st

Saint Agnes was only thirteen when she became a martyr. Many men wanted to marry the beautiful young girl, but Agnes had already dedicated herself completely to Christ. She refused to be married to a pagan and was tortured cruelly before being killed. Click on one of the images below to print a coloring page.Read more

St. André Bessette coloring page: January 6th

André was a brother of the Congregation of the Holy Cross. When André first came to the Holy Cross Brothers, he had a note from his pastor that said, “I am sending you a saint.” André had a very hard childhood and many struggles in his life as a brother. His challenges began as anRead more

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton coloring page: January 4th

Saint Elizabeth was born in America and married at a young age. When her husband grew very ill, they traveled to Italy. There, Saint Elizabeth learned about the Catholic faith and eventually converted. Later in life, she took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and became known as Mother Seton. Saint Elizabeth was the firstRead more

St. Genevieve coloring page: January 3rd

Saint Genevieve became a nun at the age of fifteen. She was known for her frequent prayer, visions of the saints, and acts of charity. When the Huns were about to attack Paris, Saint Genevieve encouraged the people of Paris to stay in the city and pray and fast, instead of leaving. Miraculously, the cityRead more

Saint Basil Coloring Page: January 2nd

After a career in law, Saint Basil became a monk and founded a monastery. He founded several other monasteries in his life, as well, and later became a bishop. He is now a Doctor of the Church and his parents and several of his siblings are canonized saints as well! Saint Basil is the patronRead more

St. Stephen coloring page: December 26th

St. Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Enemies of the Church saw what a great preacher he was and had him stoned to death just years after the death Christ. He went courageously to his death, asking God to forgive those who killed him.  He is the patron saint of altar boys and deacons and his feastRead more

Saint John of the Cross coloring page: December 14th

Saint John was born in 1542 and entered the Carmelites at age 22.  He was captured and tortured by members of his own order when he helped Saint Teresa of Avila reform the Carmelite order. Throughout his life, he wrote several books, which we still have today. Saint John is now a Doctor of the ChurchRead more

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